We work with growers to customize the best agronomic choices for your success in the fields. We make sure that your field selections are suitable for the crop you want to grow. By designing scouting programs around your operation: we are in the field when you need us to be and provide weekly reports that can include information on:
- Seed depth and plants per foot square
- Weeds (identified, size and severity given) used to do an efficient pre-seed burn and in chemical crop application.
- Insect thresholds are monitored (insecticide timing if needed)
- Diseases are monitored (fungicide timing if needed)
- Pre-harvest and desiccation timing
- Post-harvest spray recommendations
Reach out today to see how we can answer your questions, present pros and cons, and help talk you through the situation so you are able to come to a conclusion that is best suited for your operation, with confidence.